Friday, 7 March 2014

Welcome to Skyrim No Damage!

Greetings fellow adventurers!

The moving opening credits and music have rolled on a new Skyrim character, one where I have set myself a challenge. Finish Skyrim's main quest dealing no direct damage. Sounds simple, right? I guess we'll see!

The rules are thus:
- No direct damage.
This means no use of any weapons, offensive spells, shouts or even my bare hands.

- No quicksaving.
This is not permadeath, but I will rely solely on auto-saves (with some manual saves thrown in for security, but only when an autosave would be achievable). For those who aren't aware, these occur on loading new areas, and when you rest. If it's safe to rest, it's okay to save.

- No invisibility.
I will be relying on sneak, and probably the Muffle spell to enhance that, but muffle+invisibility = OP so that's off-limits.

- No followers (edit)
Forgot this one, but it's definitely out. I don't normally play with followers anyway, but where's the challenge if you just hide behind Lydia the entire time while she tanks dudes for you. NOWHERE! That's where!

- No crazy mods.
I will post a list of the mods I will be using so if you have complaints about their effect feel free to speak up.

Optional rules (I'll start with these and see if they work out):
- No Atronachs.
Only raising the dead. I like the idea of having to use what's nearby, instead of always having a handy friend, but this may not be viable, particularly fighting a dragon.

- Permadeath?
I will stick to this unless I deem the situation totally unfair. Eg. one-hit wonders from high level Draugr and their damn Ebony Bows, or Dragons and their ridiculous one-hit finishing moves. Basically anything that doesn't give me a chance to yell 'Oh S***!' and high tail it out of there.

What fun would an experiment be without the risk of some ridiculous rules, so there they are. I'll do my best to stick to the optional ones too.

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