Friday, 7 March 2014

Meet Viriis

With some beautifully stirring music and dramatically slow opening credits, my journey begins.

My name is Viriis, I'm a female Altmer who likes to think of herself as resourceful, but totally lacking in a truly offensive regard. No weapons, no destruction magic, I'm hoping illusion and some necromancy can keep me alive. Good thing we'e not in Cyrodiil 200 years ago... Necromancy was frowned upon in those days...

Yes, I do look a little frightening. Not too long ago, I made some bad, cosmetic choices and unfortunately the tattoos appear to be permanent, though the mage that helped me said the colour should eventually return to my eyes! At least my hair will grow back... right?

Anyway, it appears I'm some sort of prisoner, thrown in the back of a distinctly noisy, unstable cart with a couple of nords and... a redguard? I'm not really sure, apparently he's from Rorikstead... wherever that is.

To cut a long story short, I very nearly lost my head, before an enormous dragon... tried to kill me? Saved my life? It was unclear. Regardless, I teamed up with the nord who was in the cart with me... Ralof, I think his name was, and we high-tailed it out of there.

It quickly becomes apparent that I'm going to rely heavily on Ralof in the opening chapter of my adventure. With only a healing spell and fury (a spell to make others attack those closest) at my disposal, I can keep myself alive, but lack any way of defeating my enemies. All I can do is make them angry...

As we make our way deeper into the castle we'd entered to flee the dragon, we encounter a few groups of Imperial soliders, but Ralof finishes them off quickly while I ineffectively fling spells at the walls until my magicka stores are depleted. Not feeling particularly useful so far... I did manage to grab some lockpicks and every single piece of equipment I could get my hands on. I've got no idea how to use one of these weapons, but they're probably worth a bit, right?

Spiders! Nevermind, Ralof runs in and finishes them off and disappears around the corner. I cautiously sidle past the spider corpses... Two more, easily 3 times the size, drop from the ceiling! Wait, two. I fling a Fury spell at each of them (that was probably redundant) and they turn to fight each other. Sweet relief... *crunch* *swipe* the spider dies. Yes! Oh wait... RALOF!!!! Where is he!?! I dodge behind a pillar and try to keep it between myself and the furious spider until Ralof arrives. Doesn't take him long to finish it off... it doesn't even look that hard.

After that we manage to piss off a bear, but otherwise escape without mishap. That dragon that attacked swoops over us and vanishes. Thanks buddy! You killed everybody else inside the keep, but you saved my life.

Ralof says something about his sister in a nearby town but it didn't sound that urgent. I think I'll make my own way from here.

What's the worst that could happen?

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