Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Bleakfall Barrows - A Second Try

Armed with a new summoning spell, I feel a little more self sufficient and up to the dangers of Bleakfalls Barrow. I return, cautiously retracing my steps down the dark corridors. Something has cleared away the corpses I left, which is creepy, but fortunately there are no new residents.

Eventually I reach the entrance to the spider room, webs still hanging loosely from the frame. Scuttling about in the next room is the spider, clearly still angry and ready to fight. I prepare my new spell and summon a Flame Atronach. It's surprisingly easy and the spider is completely distracted, although I'd attack the Oblivion demon setting me on fire as well! Apparently spiders are particularly susceptible to fire and it's not long before it collapses in a stinky, hairy heap.

The Draugr that turned me back last time are still wandering about, but my Atronach disposes of them quickly. It turns out undead burn even faster than spiders.

These guys were dead before, but they're not ash, so I try a resurrection spell and it works! Undead undead! Who knew... 'Armed' with fresh corpses I make my way deeper into the dark. My Atronach gave me the leg-up that I needed and I can settle back into my old rhythm. Some flaming pots and oil slicks are a useful way of taking these guys out as well. Once they've burned to a crisp, I can raise them to fight the ones that are left!

At the end of a long, empty corridor I find what looks like it might be some kind of door, concentric rings with symbols and a recess obviously meant for the Golden Claw that I couldn't give back to Lucan. I'm not that bothered by that anymore... I turn to my grunting Draugr companion to see if he can help. He has been down here for a long time after all. Unfortunately, all he has to offer is 'GrreeAAARRGH!' before he tumbles to dust. Helpful.

In the end, it turns out to be an overstated combination lock, and the claw has the combination. Behind the door (which slides painfully slowly into the floor) is a rather large wall from which I absorb... a word? I haven't got time to wonder, as right behind me a crypt cracks open and a well-armoured Draugr clambers out. It's just me and this guy, and I haven't yet found the Dragonstone I was sent to find, so I take a deep breath and summon my flamey friend again.

While I cower behind a large chest, the two battle it out and it's not ultimately a fair fight. The Draugr succumbs to the flames and I grab the Dragonstone off his corpse. All that's left is to run off up the stairs and hope that the Atronach isn't too close behind me.

Those things make me nervous...

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