Alright adventurers,
As promised, here is my list of mods. It's a bit longer than I expected, and it's actually only about half of the mods I have installed. These are the ones I will have enabled as I play.
I'll break them up into Immersion and Mechanics, so you can see if there's any that you think I should drop off as 'cheats' or just not as interesting. =)
I should probably also mention that I do have all three DLC (Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn), and HAD their respective Unofficial Patches, although these have vanished off the Workshop...
IMMERSION (these just makes things look nicer and the world is more engaging and realistic)
- Town and Villages Enhanced (this is actually a few mods, but they just make the settlements prettier)
- Lore-Based Loading Screens
- XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement (makes characters look nicer)
- RNG (Dynamic) Guards (gives guards alternative, region specific costumes and open helms)
- Warburg's 3D Paper World Map
- Static Mesh Improvement Mod Parts 1 and 2
- Open Cities Skyrim (no more load screens to get into cities, just big gates that open!)
- Water and Terrain Enhancement Redux (water and terrain is prettier)
- Lush Grass
- Birds and Flocks
- Real Glaciers
- Realistic Lighting (this one actually changes the gameplay, since dark places are DARK)
- Improve Interior Lighting (for Realistic Lighting Mods)
- Sounds of Skyrim
- SkyUI (User Interface mod, just makes things more Mouse+Keyboard friendly)
MECHANICS (happy for folks to challenge these if you think they're out of place, but I try not to stray too far from the vanilla game)
- Realistic Ragdolls and Force (basically just makes people fall down properly, also FUS ROH DAH! not that I'll be using that...)
- Aggresive Combat Styles (An AI tweak for the enemies, to make them a little more intelligent in fights... probably going to hurt a lot...)
- Left Hand Rings (pretty straightforward, means you can wear 2 rings instead of just one)
- Dragon Knowledge Spell (This allows you to convert 2 dragon souls into 1 perk. Since I won't be using dragon souls for many shouts I think this is fair, but happy to be challenged!)
- Unrestricted Enchanting (Any enchanment on any items, instead of the inbuilt restrictions of certain types on certain gear)
- Better Horses (Horses are faster, smarter and can carry things for you)
- Morokei Mask Magic Armour Tweak (Changes Morokei from Light Armour to Cloth so you can wear it without losing bonuses to Mage Armour)
- Reduced Dual Casting Spell Costs (The vanilla dual casting is actually less efficient than casting two spells individually. This mod fixes that)
- Jaxonz Blink Teleport Spell (A nifty teleport spell. Totally happy to remove this if people think it's OP, but it could be fun)
- Realistic Dragons Lite Version (Adjusts dragon behaviour, fire breath sets things on fire, melee attacks do more realistic damage, they will try to face you all the time etc.)
- Grey Ledge Manor II (Not really mechanics, but it adds a free, open player house which is just beautiful.)
That's it folks! Feel free to call out any that you think make it too easy or are broken. All these can be found on the Steam Workshop if you want more details.
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