Sunday, 23 March 2014

Returning the Horn

On the way back to Riverwood, it occurs to me that I've now got the horn that the Greybeards asked me to retrieve and that I should probably return it to them. High Hrothgar is on the way back to Riverwood (well, as much as it is on the way to anywhere) so I take a detour up the mountain to deliver it.

They seem reasonably impressed by my efforts to return it to them, as though they knew about all those skeletons and yet didn't forewarn me... Mean old men. As a reward they teach me a word to make that knock-people-over shout even more aggressive and then shout at me for about a minute while the world shakes violently around us. I've got no idea what they said, but to say I found it unsettling would be the understatement of the Era.

Apparently I've officially earned my title of 'Dragonborn' and now they're done with me. They offer me no further guidance and simply wish me well. I guess I'll see you guys around, secluded here at the top of your mountain.

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